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On May 4, 2022 at 1:04:59 PM UTC, Gravatar ckan_admin:
  • Changed value of field related_standards to The following APIs are related to this one: GP2GP - HL7 V3 API - use this API to transfer patients' electronic health records between old and new practices when they change GPs. Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API - use this new API to search for patients, retrieve patients by NHS number and update patients. Personal Demographics Service - HL7 V3 API - use this if you want to use functions that are not yet available on the FHIR API. Personal Demographics Service - SMSP API - use this if you want to get PDS data without an authenticated end user (no smartcard required). It is, however, read-only and searches are limited to a single result. Messaging Exchange for Social care and Health (MESH) - use this component of the Spine to deliver messages and files to registered recipients. in National Health Application and Infrastructure Services - NHAIS GP Links API